Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Happy Moments this week

01. Wednesday 28th January - I was having a bad day, which involved me full on sobbing on my boss' shoulder - never a good look! So because I work in the middle of the park, I went on a little walk, got myself some fresh air and went back to the office, I honestly can't tell you how much of a difference it made. So if you ever feel stressed out - walk it off!

02. Thursday 29th January - we had a huge snow downpour overnight, and woke up to a winter wonderland, such a shame it wasn't in time for Christmas, and that I still had to go into work rather than snuggling under blankets with hot choc. Gone are the snow days we used to have in school.

03. Friday 30th January - I work with my best friend, it's dangerous and so much fun! Our manager came over and told us we needed a joint photo for the newsletter, about 15 shots later and lots of 'Girls that is not the professional look we're going for' comments, we finally got there. And had a lot of funny snaps to prove it.

04. Saturday 31st January - I allowed myself to hit the shops, after convincing myself i would save, I spent way too much money, but got some well deserved and needed retail therapy. (I also took a selfie to celebrate, just 'cause)

05. Sunday 1st February - I go to see my lovely friend to get my nails done every 3 weeks, it's always a lovely catch up, and she is (well was as I'm about to discuss) pregnant with a little girly - feeling her kicking is always super special even after the 10th time.

06. Monday 2nd February - And it was today that this little girl entered the world! Now this made my monday a lot better than it was going to be. My special friend brought a special little girl into the world, i cried, a lot.

1 comment:

  1. i love your makeup look! great post
