Monday, 16 February 2015

"Build a Life You Are in Love With"

Someone said this to me recently when i was talking to them about my ongoing struggle to pin point what exactly it is that I'm meant to be doing with my life. I've come to realise that this is probably the thoughts of most 20-somethings after reading various buzzfeed lists and blog posts.

I have always been a dreamer, always wanting to do big and amazing things, but at the moment all I know is that I want to do big and amazing things, but I don't know what they are yet.

So, instead of looking ahead, i've started to look towards my present, what am I doing at the moment that takes me on the right path towards doing big things, what steps am I taking so that I can fall in love with the life I am living?

I've never had it before where I dread Monday rolling around, and I've found myself in that position, i'm having more cries in a week than I have in a long while and I know that i'm not building a life i'm in love with.

So recently I've been looking at different steps I can take to start to love my life more again, I'm looking at travelling, saying yes to more things, doing little things everyday that scare me, and looking into some of my dream jobs.

I'd love to just drop everything, hand in my resignation and go. But I know that's not realistic, so at the moment I'm going to carry on doing the things I love, i'm going to get through the working days, building up my experience so that I can be ready for that dream job, I'll make the most of the weekends by doing new things every week, I'll spend my spare time blogging and meeting new friends, I'm going to use my holidays to travel and discover. So in this period of time where life feels a bit mediocre, I'm going to do everything I can to make it amazing.

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