Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Catch Up

I feel as though there hasn't been a proper catch up since before Christmas on my blog, and I'm in a bit of a chatty mood so what better time than now for a chatty catch up?

Of course I'm doing it through a few of my instagram photos - i don't know about you but I love these kind of posts & being able to do a bit of an instagram stalk. 

1 - Christmas day! Every year we go to church on Christmas morning, it's honestly one of my favourite bits of christmas, I get to see all my wonderful friends, and this years service was particularly hilarious! 

2 - I was completely spoilt by my wonderful family & boyfriend this Christmas - felt very emotional all day! 

3 -My wonderful family at lunchtime - i love them all very much! 

4 -New years Eve - Champagne and laughs with friends, couldn't get much better! 

5 - One of my new years resolutions was to start scrapbooking - i'm loving using project life!
6 -Met up with two of my lovely old housemates in Chester - first of all Chester is a beautiful city - also - I love these two very much. 

7 -This is where I work - i know, it's beautiful isn't it?

8 - Back to work feeling productive and getting creative! 

9 - My lovely friend Tara is soon going to be bringing a gorgeous little girl into this world - to say I'm excited is an understatement! Bring on the cuddles!

If you would like to follow me on instagram my username is @abzmickk - (just a cheeky plug there!) 

How was your Christmas? What did you get up to?

Abz xx 

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