Tuesday, 7 October 2014


Is what your doing today getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow? 
I found this photo on my phone the other day and it's really got me thinking. I have many dreams and aspirations in life that I want to achieve. I'm constantly pinning things, googling organisations, looking up dream jobs, looking at plane fares etc. So many things I want to do, so little time! 
Recently I've had to kick myself a little bit, I've started moaning about things and not being able to do all these exciting things I want to because of work and money etc. 

Recently, I just told myself to stop moaning and start doing. Moaning about where you are today isn't going to  get you to where you want to be. To get where I want to be, I need to work my ass off, and start doing. Complaining isn't going to get you anywhere. 

So, look at where you want to be, work out what you need to do, and do it. Life's too short to put things off. 


1 comment:

  1. This is quite motivating. Thank you for posting it

