Saturday, 25 October 2014

A couple of weeks in photos..

I know this is definitely NOT the title of most of these posts, but I don't really take enough photos in a week to title this 'A week in photos'. I love instagram, it means I can capture a little bit of them lovely life moments and share the happiness of them with people.

Anyway, I thought i'd share a few lovely little moments I've had over the past couple of weeks, as there's been quite a few.

1. Selfie time, of course.. It couldn't be an instagram post without one, right?

2 & 3. A trip to go see my bestie in Manchester, which of course involved a cheeky wagamamas. And yes, its a chicken ramen every time, and them DELICIOUS pulled pork gyozas, my mouth is watering at the mere thought.) Every trip to Manchester makes me wish I was living nearer to a city, Burnley is slightly lacking in everything.

4. Saturdays in bed. There's no need to expand on that one, really?

5. And then date nights with the lovely boyfriend, I'm a lucky lady to have this one.

6. 'If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely' - I love a good thought for the day.

7. Ladies at church cheering me up with sweet little gifts, it's these things that make me happy.

8. Pre - Meeting selfie with my best friend. This was one of them moments that we looked at each other in the middle of a pretty important meeting at work and could tell exactly what each one was thinking - 'How the hell did we get here?'. We always used to go on about how fun it would be to work together at Sixth Form, somehow, it happened, and I love it.

9. Some of the lovely youth that I have the pleasure of spending my Friday evenings with, they are all wonderful girls, growing into amazing young women.

How has your week been?

Abbie x

1 comment:

  1. awww i'm glad you had an amazing week. my week was good
