Wednesday, 22 October 2014

A little bit of an update.

I wanted to give you guys a little bit of an update on everything in life that's going on, as I realise I haven't been to great posting, but I promise I'll try my best from now to make sure I have more content, life's just been a little bit of crazy recently, but I'm really excited to fill you in.

Work - Now then, this is strange because right now, I'm loving work, that's right - I said it! I love work! This is possibly because I have just recently got a promotion and my role has just completely changed, I'm now the Administration and Communications officer. This sounds fancy, but basically means I am in charge of all the Administration duties in the office, and I'm now first point of contact for anyone ringing in, also I am the person who is now going to be in charge of the whole Social Media aspect to the organisation, which (to my upmost excitement) means starting a blog for the company! So the majority of my week is going to be spent blogging, and sending tweets out (okay maybe not just that as I am extremely busy at work!).

General Life - It's all been a bit mad recently, with loads going on with church and the youth club that I run, and also a lovely boyfriend who I need to spend some of my time with! So, i've been pretty super busy (which is probably why the blog has been abandoned for a little while!), but I promise to be posting a lot more from now on!

I'm also going to London for the weekend with Andrew in a couple of weeks. I used to live in Watford, which is pretty close to London, so I'm pretty used to London, but I'm excited to do some proper exploring that I never really had time to, and also see some of my friends I haven't seen since summer!

Do you have any exciting updates in life? I'd love to hear about it!

Abbie xx 


  1. Congratulations on your promotion, i hope it gets better and you go higher in the work place. love how busy your life is as you get to experience different things everyday.

  2. Hi there, I just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! I really enjoy reading your blog :)

    To see what to do click on the link:

    I look forward to reading your post!

    Yasmin xoxo
