Friday, 9 January 2015

The Resolution Post

Well, it's better late than never they say! I've finally got around to writing my resolution post, and the reason it's so late is because I've been really thinking hard about what I want to do this year. So here's a few of my resolutions for this year. 2014 wasn't the greatest of years for me, so I'm looking ahead to 2015 positively & with excitement for what it is going to bring.

You'll probably have seen this resolution on most new years blogs you've read in the past week. But seriously, I WILL drink more water. I'm always drinking fizzy drinks, juice, or wine (lets be honest, the latter is drank way too much than it should be).

I've spent way too much money this past year, and my bank account will tell you that! I've decided 2015 is going to be the year of saving , because  I also want 2015 to be the year of adventure, but a lot of those adventures I wouldn't be able to do without money.

This is a big one, I really want to get out more, and see more. I'm aiming for at least 3 different countries this year,and when I start to drive I'm going to try and do more travelling around this beautiful country we live in!

My fourth resolution is simply that, to just stop. There are so many precious moments that pass us by, and i want to stop in them moments and make the most of them, rather than rushing them away or lessening their worth by making it look like a pretty moment on instagram. Just taking a moment, pausing, and taking breathing the good things in.

I'm a very creative person, and I think one of the reasons why I was so unhappy in 2014 is because I wasn't giving myself enough time to be creative. This year I've started my scrapbook which is going to be my main creative outlet, and i'm also teaching myself calligraphy. Work wise i'm going to be given a lot more time in my day to be creative & I'm really excited for that.

I've been holding myself back from dreaming in 2014, telling myself it's too big to dream. This year I want to dream beyond limits and push myself to do the best with everything I do.

And finally, I'm vowing to write more, on my blog, but also i'm going to journal more too. I used to write so much, and i'm just coming to realise how much I love it. So, i'm going to write more, do what I love. Because when I'm doing what I love, I'm happy.

What are your resolutions? I'm excited for 2015, can't wait to see what it's going to bring.

Abz X X

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