Thursday, 25 September 2014

Autumn Payday Wishlist

Autumn Payday Wishlist

I've been SO excited for Autumn for a very long time now, because of many many reasons, one of the main ones being it's no longer too hot to have baths and light candles everywhere! This then gives me an excuse to go crazy on the candle buying, and this one is on there purely because of the name, and I love a good Vanilla scent!  

I already have one pair of these beautiful jeans (these ones), and I'm in need of some more black jeans, so, to topshop I go! They are literally the most comfy pair of jeans I have ever brought, and I love the look of them, so I'm definitely repurchasing in the black as soon as I get paid! 

I'm a big lover of boots, and I can see myself buying WAY too many pairs this Autumn/Winter, but these will definitely be my first! I love a good chunky boot, and I've always liked the look of the bigger version of these (here). But they would just look way too big on my tiny self, so I saw these a couple of months back and LOVED them, and now it's almost August I think I can justify buying them for myself!

I'm a bargain hunter, and so I never buy anything really that's over £50, especially if it's jewelery, but I have been in love with this Olivia Burton watch for months now, and I can't find another like it, so I think I'm going to end up taking the plunge and spending for it, but it will be OH so worth it! 

This just looks perfect for Autumn and Winter, I can't wait to wrap up and get all snuggly, and this just looks perfect for the occasion! 

I'm on the search for a nice warm blush for the Autumn, and I've been wanting a NARS blush for AGES now, well ever since I started reading blogs which is almost a year! 

I'm constantly searching for nice red lipsticks, my collection is slowly growing and I think my lips are probably going to start looking permanently red soon. Again, I've been lusting after a NARS lip pencil for months, why not use Autumn as my excuse to buy it?! 

It's a pretty big list now looking at it, and I'm pretty sure I'm never gonna be able to afford all this, but if I can't, I can always pop it on the Christmas wish list! 

I hope you're all well, sorry it's been a while since I've posted - it's been mayhem recently, but I'll be sure to do a proper update post soon! 


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