
So today, I decided I am starting a blog. I'm not sure where it's going to go, what i will do with it or even what i am going to write about. But, after reading and watching many blogs and vlogs, i decided that now would be a great time to start my own, and tick off another thing on my bucket list.

As I have said, I haven't really got any idea where I'm going to go with this, but i'm hoping it's going to be a little bit of everything (as the title says). I'll be posting about Fashion, Travel, Beauty, God, Church, Life, News, and anything that I come across and decide I want to blog about. And also, it's a space to tell the internet world of my daily life, and hopefully look back one day at it all. (And most probably laugh at myself, but i do this on a daily basis anyway.) 

So, here goes, blog post number one, done.

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